Generating training data for the Autonomous Vehicles Industry

At AIW, we are at the forefront of growth in the autonomous vehicles industry with expert annotation and labelling

Explore our expertise in the field of Autonomous Vehicles

Our growing team of SMEs is working with complex use cases under this domain and enhancing the models with our expert data labeling & annotation solutions

Body Movements of a Driver

This involves different phases of human annotation, which consist of recognition of the head & hand action, head direction of a driver while driving a vehicle, alignment of seatbelt while driving a car

Polyline Target Image Annotation

Polyline annotation of the road which is guaranteed to be a freeway; which means that no traffic lights, no zebra crossings, at-least two lanes on each side of the road, no intersections

Pre-Populated Labels for Cars

This project is a review of pre-populated labels for cars, license plates, people, and faces and determine if any changes are needed.

LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging)

The objective of LIDAR Annotation for self-driving vehicles where LiDAR acts as an eye providing them a 360-degree view. Accurate annotation of the LIDAR captured data is important for the safety of drivers.

Ensuring safe and secured data training with expert-driven annotation and labeling

The industry of autonomous vehicles is growing exponentially and requires expert-driven human-in-the-loop services, to enhance the performance of autonomous vehicles and self-driving cars. AIW has a dedicated team working on these varied use cases for renowned clientele.

Need to discuss your project requirement?

AIW is a Data Labeling & Annotation services company providing highly accurate and timely human-in-the-loop labeled and annotated data across various domains and industry verticals to AI-enabling businesses intending to enable superior training of AI and ML models.


Generative AI
Computer Vision
Natural Language Processing