Data Sourcing
Our team uses extensively sourced and structured data ideal for your projects

How does Data Sourcing at AIW works?

At AIW, a dedicated team of professionals is highly-equipped to source and enrich datasets as per different project requirements on a large-scale

With our Data Sourcing Services, find the right match of datasets for your projects

Data Extraction

At AIW, we extract unstructured and structured data as per project requirements ranging from smaller datasets to large scale datasets
At AIW, we extract unstructured and structured data as per project requirements ranging from smaller datasets to large scale datasets

Data Enrichment

Our team of experts ideally structures and filter through our data to reach a “good data” stage for proper annotation & labeling
Our team of experts ideally structures and filter through our data to reach a “good data” stage for proper annotation & labeling

Data Sourcing Process

With our time-tested processes you can be assured of accurate workflow planning and execution along with thorough engagement at every step of the journey.


We receive the data sourcing requirements from the client and do a feasibility analysis along with our team of experts

Post the feasibility study, we submit a sample of the data and a proposal with the commercials

The team of professionals then extract structured or unstructured data, extracted data is enriched and matched as per project requirements

Data sets are delivered to the client for further moderations and approval and used as per project requirements

Need to discuss your project requirement?

AIW is a Data Labeling & Annotation services company providing highly accurate and timely human-in-the-loop labeled and annotated data across various domains and industry verticals to AI-enabling businesses intending to enable superior training of AI and ML models.
